Used Shell and tube exchanger

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Category: Shell and tube exchanger

GEA TDS GmbH - VTE 54-2.0 - Tubular heat exchanger

GEA TDS GmbH – VTE 54-2.0 – Tubular heat exchanger (x2)

Units available : 2 Manufacturer: GEA-TDS Ahaus Model: VTE 54-2.0 Year : 2015 Type : Tubular heat exchanger Type of fluid : gas / steam / superheated fluids Materials : 316L stainless steel Exchange surface area: 4.4 m2 Volume A : 12.5 L Volume B: 18.3 L Temperature A: 150°C min Temperature B: 190°C max Pressure A: 23 bars Pressure

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Thermi consult - Heat exchange skid
Sold: not available

Thermi consult – Heat exchange skid

Tubular heat exchanger mounted skid allowing to thermoregulate (heat, cool, maintain) a heat transfer fluid via a secondary circuit with 3 entries. Very often associated with a filter dryer or reactor when there is an issue / risk of product contact. Primary circuit : Heat transfer fluid loop Volume: 3.5L Pressure: +6 bars T°C = 150°C Secondary circuit : Number

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Alfa Laval VLM 19X16/104-6.0 - Échangeur tubulaire
Sold: not available

Alfa Laval VLM 19X16/104-6.0 – Tubular exchanger

Documentation doc-exchanger-viscoline.pdf technical-detail-VLM19x16.pdf Technical description REF : Viscoline – VLM19X16/104-6.0 polished stainless steel 2 sets of 5 tubular exchangers d.104 Unit surface 5,73 m² x 10 = 57 m² per exchanger : 19 tubes ⌀16 / length 6000 spiral body for forced circulation piping, valves and supports Viscous beverages and food, like other products, often have high viscosity or contain

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