Used Tray former

Find here the list of all our ads: used Tray former. Osertech lists a selection of second-hand equipment and machinery available in its warehouse and those of its partners, to help you find the best opportunities.
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Category: Tray former

Can' t find the equipment that fits your needs?

Our team can help you identify a used Tray formerthat meets your expectations. We will get in touch with you as soon as possible to define your project and assist you in your search.

How a tray former works

A tray erector, also called tray former, is used to shape trays into their final form. The forming is done from a flat shape. Blanks are picked up directly from the machine’s storage magazine.

Several options for the choice of materials are available. These include corrugated, micro-fluted or solid carton. However, frequently found in the food industry, they can be formed from a reel of aluminium, plastic (polystyrene, polypropylene, …) or wood.

The creation of trays can be achieved through different processes:

– Gluing (cardboard boxes)
– Snap-in (cartons)
– Ratcheting (cardboard boxes)
– Pressure (aluminium)
– Thermoforming (creation of plastic trays)

Tray packers are used in many industries:Food (food packaging: meat, cheese, fruit, …), dairy, cosmetics, …

Generally, these machines are able to cover several formats. We refer to these machines as multi-format tray packers.

Tray forming machines can be used in addition to automatic packaging solutions before logistics. A tray can contain bulk or stacked products, by unit or in various quantities. After shaping, they can be sent via a conveyor system to the following automatic packaging stations: case erector, pick and place robot, …

Option available: lid applicator

A lid inserter provides sealing as well as protection of the products by adding a lid. Lidding can be done with U- or X-shaped (cross) lids.

Buy and sell and a second-hand tray packer

Buying a used machine remains a high investment for some companies. Prices vary depending on the condition, make, location and year of manufacture of the machine.

Osertech offers a selection of available and functional second-hand packaging machines, ready for use, in order to meet the needs of any type of budget.